Compositor: Alice Roberts / Carolyn Porco / David Attenborough / Jacob Bronowski / Jane Goodall / Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Jacob Bronowski:
Man is a singular creature
He has a set of gifts which make him unique among the animals
So that unlike them, he is not a figure in the landscape
He is the shaper of the landscape
Alice Roberts:
We are all children of Africa
They say this is where it all began
In a parched African landscape
Man first put his foot to the ground
Africa was our only home
for tens of thousands of years
until a small handful of people made their way
out of Africa
Carolyn Porco:
These beings with soaring imagination
Eventually flung themselves and their machines
Into interplanetary space
We are all children of Africa
This landscape has been home to humans
Two hundred thousand years
We have come so far
All of this is cause for great celebration
We have come so far
This is a story about us
Those early Europeans
Were people like you and me
But it is humbling
When you see the challenges they faced
People like you and me
Overcame the Neanderthals
People like you and me
Made it through the ice age
Jane Goodall:
We are not the only beings
With personalities, minds, and feelings
Chimpanzees have very clear personalities
Robert Sapolsky:
Take a chimp brain foetally
And let it go two or three more rounds of division
And out comes symphonies and ideology
Neil deGrasse Tyson:
Everything that we are
That distinguishes us from chimps
Emerges from that one percent
Difference in DNA
People like you and me
Overcame the Neanderthals
People like you and me
Made it through the ice age
David Attenborough]:
Using his burgeoning intelligence
This most successful of all mammals
Has exploited the environment to produce food
For an ever increasing population
Instead of controlling the environment
For the benefit of the population
Perhaps it's time we controlled the population
To allow the survival of the environment